Saturday, 28 November 2009

Animation Compilation 09

Includes award winning animation Bear in Mind...

Sunday, 1 November 2009


Created with Panagiota Chaidogiannou for the 1minutetosavetheworld competition.

See more of Panagiotas work at

Friday, 29 May 2009

animation showreel 09

includes work for-

The Leano / King Bee Animation

Sputniko / 360 Records

Iglu and Hartly / Partizan Lab

Saturday, 24 January 2009

Tom Hebdon / Sputniko! tune1/wakki

This is 'Tune 1' animation part of the Sputniko! DVD to be released in HMV and Tower Records in Japan.

For more amazing Sputniko! music and videos visit-

Tom Hebdon / Sputniko! heads/wakki final version.

This is the final version of the wakki/heads animation.
This will be the introduction and ending sequence of the Sputniko! DVD soon to be released in HMV and Tower Records across Japan.
To see more of the amazing Sputniko! visit-

Tom Hebdon / Sputniko! heads/wakki version1... also Iglu and Hartly


Here is Violent and Young by Iglu and Hartly.

I worked at Partizan Lab colouring the 2D animation on this vdeo...